Did You Know That Saw Palmetto Can Treat Male Pattern Baldness?

 Did You Know That Saw Palmetto Can Treat Male Pattern Baldness?

Rather than relying on pharmaceuticals, many people today seek for natural solutions to their hair loss problems. Try saw palmetto if you're seeking a natural solution for male pattern baldness.

One fruit variety that has showed promise in preventing hair loss is saw palmetto.

If you're looking for a natural solution to hair loss, reading more on saw palmetto will help you decide if it's right for you.

The red fruit known as saw palmetto is native to warmer regions of the globe. The southeasterly parts of the US are the most common places to view it. The initial focus of saw palmetto study was on its potential effects on prostate health. On the other hand, clinical trials revealed that this well-known fruit helped men suffering from male pattern baldness.

More men than women are affected by the hereditary disorder known as male pattern baldness. With male pattern baldness, the hairline gradually recedes and then moves in a horseshoe shape as the hair falls out. Most of the time, the hair on the back and sides of the head stays the same. There is still a lot of mystery about male pattern baldness and its exact cause.

Excessive conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), according to some research, could be a contributing factor. Saw palmetto inhibits DHT generation in males with enlarged prostates, according to prostate health studies.

The question then becomes: how much saw palmetto can help with hair loss? According to unverified sources, eating the fruit—even just one serving a day—should be enough to stop hair loss in most cases. There is a recommended dosage of 320 mg daily for those taking an extract, though. To further aid hair development, there are supplements that contain saw palmetto ingredients.

There are no documented negative effects from using saw palmetto, which is a major plus. Taking synthetic pharmaceuticals or prescription, which may have negative side effects, is certainly not the best option. Impedimento, headaches, decreased libido, and rapid heart rate are among these side effects.

The best way to take saw palmetto is with other things. You risk getting an upset stomach or headache if you don't. Furthermore, discontinue use of saw palmetto immediately if you experience any adverse reactions.

Also, saw palmetto should not be used by pregnant women without a doctor's supervision.

How about male pattern baldness? Can saw palmetto help with that? At this time, the cause of male pattern baldness remains unknown. Assuming adherence to treatment, hair loss can be managed with the use of both natural and conventional methods. On the other hand, recurrence is possible when treatment stops.

Saw palmetto could be the key to restoring a healthy hormonal and enzymatic balance to your body, which will help fight hair loss. If mild to severe male pattern baldness is affecting you, you may want to check into this option more as a natural hair loss cure.

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